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Chris Greenwood, 1995

Chris Greenwood, 1995

The Kennedy scholarship came after the first year at Trinity. It changed my life.

Currently Director of Plastic Oceans Foundation, and having been Head of Brand Marketing at the NSPCC, I read English as an undergraduate at King's College, London, did a Masters in American Literature at the same institution and then, after a year's break teaching English in France, studied for a PhD on Henry James at Trinity College, Cambridge.

The Kennedy scholarship came after the first year at Trinity. It changed my life. As an atmosphere in which to study, think and generate ideas Harvard takes a great deal of beating.

Equally, spending a year in the company of the professors, students and inhabitants of Cambridge, Massachusetts, establishes a level of personal confidence I've been able to draw on time and again in my subsequent career.

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Scholar Profiles
Shaheed Fatima, 1999

My year as a Kennedy Scholar at HLS was one of the best years of my academic life.

Shaheed Fatima, 1999

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